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13 random reasons why i still use atom

Posted on:December 19, 2020 at 12:00 AM
  1. Intuitive Git integration
  2. Unlimited customizability
  3. Clean, modern, intuitive UI unlike anything I’ve seen before
  4. Simple and minimal at the start yet powerful with plugins
  5. Very easy and simple to use
  6. Due to the minimalist nature of Atom, you can (and will) master all the features of it without reading a bit of documentation (unlike VS Code)
  7. Embraced by open source developers
  8. 9001 packages as of today
  9. Powerful snippet customization
  10. Fully open source, with no Microsoft influence
  11. Intuitive regex find-and-replace
  12. Teletype, a powerful feature of Atom introducing Google Docs-like collaboration to code
  13. Support for tree-sisters parsers, a powerful and efficient parsing system as opposed to TextMate-style grammars


“It’s slow!”

And that feature helped me keep my code clean, modular, and concise 👌✨.

“GitHub is owned by Microsoft!”

Atom was made before that happened 😬.

“Atom’s dead”

The repository is not archived so it’s very much alive 👊.

“It crashed (and/or it lost my unsaved work)”

Feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

“It’s UI is so messy and bloated”

You can customize it in any way you want, only limited by your CSS and/or JavaScript knowledge✊.

“It’s glitchy”

Feel free to open an issue about the glitches.

“Vim is better”

No, Emacs is 🐮!